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Taxi Fare Calculator and Online Booking for Glasgow

Book a Taxi Step 1

What does it cost?

Nothing. TaxiRoute is FREE.
Book a Taxi Step 2

How does it work?

Tell TaxiRoute where you are going from and where you are going to. If you would like a fixed price quote please book 2 hours ahead.
Book a Taxi Step 3

What happens then?

TaxiRoute calculates the route, displays an estimate based on local authority tariffs as well as fixed price quotes that you can book online.

Glasgow City Council Official Hackney Tariff

Standard Daytime Tariff
The unsociable hours charge of £2.00 to be operational between 00.30 hours to 06.00 hours on Saturday and 00.30 hours to 06.00 hours on Sunday
An additional charge of 80p shall be payable on all hires commenced after midnight and before 06.00 hours, except as above
An additional charge of £1.80 shall be payable on all hires commenced on 25 December and 1 January
An additional charge of £1.00 shall be payable on all hires commenced on 26 December and 2 January
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