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Taxi Fare Calculator and Online Booking for Exeter

Book a Taxi Step 1

What does it cost?

Nothing. TaxiRoute is FREE.
Book a Taxi Step 2

How does it work?

Tell TaxiRoute where you are going from and where you are going to. If you would like a fixed price quote please book 2 hours ahead.
Book a Taxi Step 3

What happens then?

TaxiRoute calculates the route, displays an estimate based on local authority tariffs as well as fixed price quotes that you can book online.

Exeter City Council Official Hackney Tariff

Applies to any hiring begun between 07.00 and 19.00 on any other day other than Sunday or Bank Holidays.
Applies to any hiring begun (other than Easter Sunday and Bank Holiday) between 19.00 and 07.00 the following day AND for any hiring begun on a Sunday. Also a hiring began between 07.00 and 1900 on Good Friday, May Day, Spring & August Bank Holiday Mondays, Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.
Applies to Bank Holidays and certain specific days. Good Friday between 0001-0700; Good Friday, Mayday, Spring & August Bank Holiday Mondays, Christmas Eve & New Year’s Eve between 1900 and 0700 the following day. Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, between 0700 – 0700 the following day.
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