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TaxiRoute Apps

Download the Windows 7 TaxiRoute App

Download the TaxiRoute  iPhone App

What does it cost?

Nothing. TaxiRoute is FREE.

No Signup. No Emails. No Credit Cards. No Spam.

If TaxiRoute does help you to find a taxi all is asked is you tell them you found them using TaxiRoute.

How does it work?

Tell TaxiRoute where you are going from and where you are going to.

You can use addresses, villages, towns, cities, post codes or a combination.

The more you can tell TaxiRoute, the more accurate TaxiRoute can be.

What happens then?

TaxiRoute calculates what the fare should cost based on the Local Authority Hackney Carriage Tariff.

TaxiRoute will then tell you a price, the mileage, the time as well as giving you a map, the shortest directions and a suggested taxi company.